Welcome To PRC

The Church is defined not by its building or hierarchy, but by its people—a community, a family united in the presence of God. This is the image the Bible presents of God's people. When we love God with all our heart and care for one another with love and selflessness, a space filled with growth and blessing is created in which the name of Jesus is glorified throughout the world.

We want to be a united family on a mission together, showing Jesus to others in a genuine way. Our goal is to reflect His love and truth in our lives and share it with others.

Our Mission

Our vision is to strengthen faith through the Word of God, encourage the search for answers, and worship Jesus Christ. We aim to pray for the lost, guide those seeking repentance and a deeper relationship with God, engage in global discipleship, and care for our community, while nurturing the growth of believers.

Our Vision

About PRC

The Resurrection Persian Church is a formally registered entity in Australia, operating under an organized leadership system with an 11-member team. This structure facilitates collective decision-making and the provision of services within the church community.

The origins of Resurrection Church date back several years, when a small group of Iranian refugees in Australia responded to the divine call to accept God’s Kingdom. They began their service and evangelism in various cities across Australia by accepting Jesus Christ as the cornerstone of their faith.

After years of steadfast service and commitment, in late 2018, the divine call resonated once again. This time, believers gathered in the city of Melbourne with a clear purpose to revive the mission of Resurrection Church.

Today, Resurrection Persian Churches operate as formal and recognized institutions in Australia. Worship services are held on Saturday nights in the two major cities, Perth and Melbourne.

Our Values

کلیسای فارسی‌زبان رستاخیز یک خانواده‌ی پیروزمند است که حضور خدا را میزبانی می‌کند و ملکوت او را برای تغییر جهان اطرافمان گسترش می‌دهد.
